However, even the availability of these tools can provide limited value, unless the people at each end of the channel feel comfortable in communicating with the other people. 然而,这些工具所能提供的价值是有限的,除非每个终端的工作人员对于同其他人员的交流都感到非常舒服。
The top performer is a "solution-oriented" person who realizes that complaining has limited value. 顶尖高手是认识到抱怨只有有限价值的“面向解决方案的”人。
For more experienced readers, this book has a more limited value, but still presents a useful approach to the task of process improvement. 对于更有经验的读者,这本书的价值有限,但仍然提出了一个过程改进工作的有效方法。
If only white, yellow, or both page data is provided, a registry entry is of limited value in the programmatic discovery and use of services. 单提供白页和黄页中的一种或者这两种都提供,那么对于通过程序发现和使用服务,注册中心的条目的价值就很有限。
Some implementations of mkstemp ( 3) don't set the umask ( 2) to a limited value, so it's wise to call umask ( 2) first to force the file to a restrictive value. mkstemp(3)的一些实现并没有将umask(2)设置为一个受限的值,所以聪明的做法是先调用umask(2)来强制将文件设置为受限的值。
The raw data from sensors is useless to enterprise resource planning systems and warehouse management systems and has limited value in driving smarter business processes. 来自传感器的原始数据对企业资源规划系统和仓库管理系统没有任何用处,并且对促成智能业务流程的价值不是很大。
However, remember that many Python features, such as the GUI toolkits, are of limited value to system administrators. 然而请记住,许多Python特性(如GUI工具包)对系统管理员来说并没有太大的价值。
But resources in the ground are of limited value if the market is saturated. 但如果市场处于饱和状态,那么地下资源的价值就有限了。
Discussion on the Limited Value of Width-Thickness Ratio in Chinese Design Code of Steel Structure 我国钢结构设计规范中梁宽厚比限值问题的讨论
But they are of limited value when seeking to manage more complex multinational organisations, staffed by culturally diverse labour forces with their own values and a perplexing habit of doing things their own way. 但在试图管理更为复杂的跨国机构时,它们的价值就有限了。跨国机构的员工文化背景各异,有自己的价值观,习惯于按自己的方式行事。
Rather than denoting pitch values, Chiang's tablature notation appears to refer to fingerings on the Chinese flute and is of limited value in restoring the original music of a larger body of songs. 相较于定调价值,姜夔的音乐符号系统看起来涉及到中国笛箫的指法,其于恢复大量宋词的原始音乐价值有限。
A competitive advantage is of limited value if it is easily copiable. 一个容易被复制的竞优势是没有价值的。
The traditionally used parameter for accessing the surface such as surface roughness has a very limited value in relating the functional properties of bearing and lubricant retention capabilities to the surface of rolls and steel sheets. 摘要目前普遍使用的表面形貌评定参数不能够准确反映轧辊和钢板表面的承载性能和储油性能。
In this way, statistics puts meaning into findings that would otherwise be of limited value, and allows us to draw conclusions based on probabilities, even when the possibility of error remains. 统计学赋予了本身价值有限的结果更多意义,并允许我们用概率下结论,虽然总是存在错误的可能。
It was interpreted and testified that the moving velocity of the lead point tracked by gun-target line has a limited value in the case of arbitrarily high velocity of approaching target; 证明并解释了当临近飞行目标的速度任意增大时,火炮武器线所跟踪的提前点的移动速度存在极限值;
In any case, an accumulation of raw data will be of limited value unless we also sustain the systems of knowledge that give the data its full meaning. 无论如何,如果我们不维持让数据具有其所有意义的知识体系,积累原始数据的价值将是有限的。
Radiographic pelvimetry is of limited value in managing most cephalic presentations. 大多数头先露时放射骨盆测量价值有限。
Study on the Method of Evaluation and it's Limited Value on Environment Influence to Noise Caused by Urban Railway Traffic 城市轨道交通噪声评价方法及其限值的研究
Mr Roberts has a strong preference for making narrow decisions that have limited value as precedents. 罗伯茨先生对于做出判例价值有限的偏狭决定具有强烈的偏好。
In addition, most studies are from the US or Western Europe, which makes them suitable for managers of multinational companies, but of limited value to more localised firms. 此外,大多数案例研究来自于美国或西欧,因此它们更适合跨国企业的管理者,对更为本地化的企业则价值不大。
For the dirty secret of the human genome project is that knowing the genes alone is of limited value. 因为人类基因组计划的晦暗秘密使单独了解基因只有有限的价值。
Molecular techniques, such as plasmid profiles, have also been of limited value in identifying individual strains of Vibrio cholerae. 在个别霍乱弧菌的菌株鉴定上,分子生物技术如质体图谱的价值也是有限的。
Practice has proved that remedial classes limited value, unless the basis that bad, best not reported. 实践证明,辅导班价值有限,除非基础太差,最好不要报。
The intercrystalline pores in chlorite rims are of limited value for petroleum storage, but can somehow contribute to the reservoirs as pathways for acidic fluids circulation; 绿泥石环边中的晶间孔对延长组油藏来说,意义可能不大,但为以后酸性水的渗流提供了部分通道;
In this paper, analysis is carried out on limited value of ballastless track subgrade settlement of high-speed railway in China and other countries. 对国内外高速铁路无砟轨道路基沉降的限值问题进行了分析研究。
Employers now also realise the limited value to them of degree programmes and executive education courses that lack china-relevant content and context. 现在,雇主也意识到,缺乏中国相关内容与视界的学位课程及高管教育,对它们的价值有限。
However, CEUS is most useful in reflecting blood perfusion patterns; it had limited value in differentiating the malignancies of polypoid lesions. 但是,仅根据CEUS增强模式所反映的血流灌注情况,对鉴别息肉样病变良、恶性的价值有限。
Analysis and research on reliability design limited value of major performance parameter during product design are conducted. 针对设计过程中所需确定的产品主要参数的可靠性设计门限值进行了分析。
According to this, the limited value of digital and analog system are gained. 分析了各种参数对串话系数的影响。据此串话系数,分析得出了模拟系统和数字系统个参数的极限值。